
 Chinese Medicine Masquerading as Yi 

In this book, Rhonda Chang reminds us that before the introduction of Western medicine into China medicine was Yi. Then Yi became Zhong Yi (Chinese medicine) as opposed to Xi Yi, which was Western medicine. Beginning in the 1950s, the Chinese government made concerted efforts to reformulate Yi with modern western science and developed a Chinese new medicine that would use herbs, acupuncture and still manage to discourse with some of the old terminologies of Yi. How this new medicine was created was by stripping away the traditional theories of yinyang and wuxing and replacing them with a concept called bianzheng lunzhi which hoped to mimic a Western biomedical approach to the body and healing. This new medicine nevertheless would masquerade as traditional and Chinese but the methods of matching pseudo-traditional diagnosis and ancient formulas with modern biomedical categories of disease has only been a recipe for failure and incoherence. As well as outlining the historical substitution of Yi by contemporary Chinese medicine, Chang argues that this medical substitution was fundamentally a process of self-colonisation, the result itself due to western imperialism and colonialism, and also in line with a long list of practices and ideas that twentieth-century intellectuals in China rejected for being backward, feudal and unscientific. Free standard international shipping. Please provide your mobile phone number for delivery services



目前大多数人都以为现代的中医是中国古代医学的延续,事实上现代中医不仅不是古代医学的传承,相反的,现代中医是中国古代医学的取代者,更是阻碍人们学习以及受益于古代医学的绊脚石。现代中医是笼罩在传统医学上的雾霾。《现代中医的起始与传统医学的灭迹》详细地阐述了这一事实的起因和发展过程。 《现代中医的起始与传统医学的灭迹》一书分为两部分。第一部分着重于划清现代中医与传统医学的界限,第二部分首先展示现代中医与传统医学的溷淆给国内外学者的困惑,之后论述了新中医的创立是西方殖民主义促使中国发生的百年来的自我文化摧毁的结果。 第一部分包括第一和第二两章。其中第一章从河图洛书的阴阳五行术数逻辑到阴阳与五行的关系,再到炎帝的《神农本草》,黄帝的《内经》以阐述传统医学是阴阳五行理论在维护人命、健康与治疗疾病的应用。 第二章从中国政府对中医的政策到新中医创始者们的论述阐释新中医是一个以西方医学为认识生命,人体,健康与疾病为理论基础,传统医学方法为治病措施的医疗体系。用曹鸣高,一个受旧式医学教育的老中医的话,这个新中医是“用现代科学知识和{古代}临床实践结合起来{的医学}”(“参加全国中医学院教材第二版审修会议的体会” 《中医杂志》1964年第四期,第一页)这个新医疗体系被命名为辨证论治。虽然辨证论治体系仍用阴阳五行字眼,但它不以阴阳五行认识生命,健康与疾病,这种理论与实践的不一致,造成了其当今“表面辉煌,内涵衰微”(毛嘉陵《哲眼看中医》2005年,第二页)的状况。 第二部分包括第三与第四两章。第三章阐述为什么政府与一些学者都希望发扬光大祖国传统医学,但是所有的努力最终都不能阻止传统医学在现实生活中的进一步边缘化。因为现在旧式教育的大夫都已离去,今天几乎没有人知道什么是真正的古代医学了。第三章同时批驳了西方学者把现代中医与传统医学溷为一谈,而予以中医(现代与传统)的许多荒谬的定义。 第四章从鸦片战争到二十一世纪西方殖民主义对中国学者与政治家的思维的引导和改造解析新时代学者和政府对中国传统医学发起进攻之缘由。 《现代中医的起始与传统医学的灭迹》即是一部面向所有对中国近代史,医学史有兴趣的读者,也是对当前中国现代史,医学史,以及中医教育界的“正统”学说的挑战。但最终不是为了对抗,而是为了和平,为了使中国传统文化受到有效的保护和发扬。 包邮


Yinyang Wuxing Spirit Body & Healing

Traditional Chinese healing presented in a way that has become increasingly difficult to find as Chinese medicine becomes altered by modern biomedical concepts. This book is a detailed exposition of yinyang wuxing in the tradition of Chinese healing. The work is written for the general reader but will be invaluable for the practitioner, particularly for those who want to re-approach their clinical practice from the perspective of yinyang wuxing. The book begins by demonstrating the interrelationship between the concepts of yinyang and wuxing, and how these concepts form a particular view of everything between heaven and earth. It is this yinyang wuxing perspective that provides a basis for examining the human body, the spirit, and illness, which then facilitates the diagnostic means for healing illness and maintaining good health. Numerous treatment strategies and formulas are provided from the author’s own practice of over 30 years. With an understanding of the principles of yinyang wuxing anyone, anywhere, will have the power to look after their own health. Rhonda Chang graduated from Beijing Chinese Medicine College in 1983. She has a PhD from the University of Sydney and is the author of Chinese Medicine Masquerading as Yi. Free standard shipping. Please provide mobile phone number for delivery services.



“天地有陰陽,人也有陰陽。生命是陰陽的結合,人的神是陽,體是陰。人命就是神與體的結合。” 古代中國醫學是陰陽學說的应用。陰陽學說既不唯心也不唯物,而是心和物的結合。是神与體的合作生成和維護人的生命。 《陰陽五行神體醫》第一章阐述阴阳五行理论的基本概念,并论述了为什么肝为木脏,心为火脏,脾为土脏,肺为金脏,肾为水脏。以及这五行脏各自的阴与阳分别所维护的人的功能。比如肝木之阴柔,维护着人的灵活性;肝木之阳耿直,维护着人的挺拔。肝木为血道,藏一身之血。血为五行脏之阴阳精华。肝木之阴柔,使血脉有弹力,血行和缓而不急。肝木之阳挺,使血脉有张力,血行畅快而不腐。 第二章论述导致肾水阴阳失调的因素,肾水阴伤的症状,肾水阳伤的症状,并以临床中所治疗的实际病例解释肾水之阴与肾水之阳伤的治疗方法及其治疗方法的阴阳五行理论依据。比如肾水藏一身之水与阳热,主生长,繁衍,体力与滋润。故人的生长,孕育障碍,体力不足,水肿的症状均为肾水阳伤所致。治疗以暖肾水为原则。又根据五行理论,在治疗肾水阳伤,水湿泛滥时,根据五行土制水的理论,培脾土以制肾水,故选用补脾土的药物。 第三、四、五、六章分别论述了肝木,心火,脾土,肺金各五行脏之阴与阳伤的症状;并以临床中的实际病例解释各自的治疗方案与各方案的阴阳五行理论依据。 第七章讲述五行神志与五行脏之间的合作关系与失调的症状和治疗。比如神的木性与肝木相互作用发挥其奋斗之志。其阴柔,其阳坚,使人坚强而柔和。其阳病则人胆怯,阴病则人怒。故人胆怯可扶持肝木之阳,为神之木志之阳的发挥提供物质基础;人怒则扶持肝木之阴,为神之木志之阴的发挥提供物质基础。 第八章以临床实际病例阐述五行脏综合性阴阳失调的所谓疑难杂症的病情分析与治疗。 第九章列举临床实际病例解释治疗常见扭伤与血肿的疗法。 《阴阳五行神体医》提供了作者三十多年在临床中百用百验的方剂,但是其目的并不是单单提供读者一些经验方,而是举例说明阴阳五行理论在临床中的实际意义,以此启发读者根据阴阳五行理论治疗所遇到的各样疾病的创造性。这部书是为所有希望受益于中国古代医学的人所著述,因此力求语言通俗易懂,同时不失阴阳五行理论的深邃。她即是阴阳五行医的理论书也是家庭医疗的手册。


Coronavirus Prevention & Treatment —- A Yinyang Wuxing Approach

The coronavirus has disrupted everyday lives all around the world, while modern biomedicine has yet to have an effective treatment, it has caused considerable panic. Nevertheless, from a traditional yi perspective there are certainly ways to protect and restore one’s healthy body. This booklet provides a yinyang wuxing yi approach in the prevention and treatment of coronavirus affliction. Since it is a yinyang wuxing approach for prevention and treatment of coronavirus, the booklet has a brief explanation of the concepts of yinyang wuxing, as well as the constitution of the body in terms of yinyang wuxing. The symptoms of coronavirus infection are analysed in terms of yinyang disorder. Herbal formulas are presented for prevention and treatment of those symptoms. The discussion includes the rationale behind the formulas and the selection criteria for the herbs chosen.


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