The Chinese medicine tree

Paul Unschuld stated:“Traditional Chinese medicine is comparable with a tree that has lost its roots. The wood is still available and can be put to many meaningful uses, yet nourishment and further development no longer spring from its own forces”.

Unfortunately, the wood of yinyang wuxing yi had already been exhausted when the old physicians died out, the root is still there, but is hidden. The current TCM is a different tree to yinyang wuxing yi.

2 thoughts on “The Chinese medicine tree

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  1. Maybe with the right nourishment these roots may sprout again… you as a teacher would breath so much life into the current education.

    Feeling very grateful & excited to have come across your articles, podcast, and books while only a 2nd yr acupuncture student…

    Hoping & wishing you have more to offer so far I have a good place to start with the information you have provided! Looking forward to diving into it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Dela,
      Welcome to this community.
      If I didn’t waste my young energy muddling in modern TCM teaching, I wouldn’t have to struggle with an old body to write the course.
      I am slow, but I will make sure it is completely logical and will not waste your young energy and time.
      Thank you for your interest in the yi.


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